Doctor Graffiti offers these types of services listed below.
Pressure Washing:
Doctor Graffiti is equipped with hot & cold water this type of service can be used to remove graffiti from most walls, sidewalks or buildings. Our pressure washing system only uses products which are made for our unique equipment. These products remove graffiti off surfaces 98% of the time!
Graffiti Removal:
Doctor Graffiti can remove graffiti from most brick, concrete metal or glazed surface. All our products are environmentally safe.
Color Matching:
Doctor Graffiti technicians can colour match your existing paint colour. So if needed, the wall can be painted.
Monthly Graffiti Removal:
A monthly service contract is now available, under which we will remove all graffiti vandalism from your property for a fixed, monthly payment.
This is ideal for property owners that are subject to repeat graffiti attacks and for property owners who prefer to know what their fixed annual property maintenance cost will be.
Once invoice per month, no additional administration and no worries!